Corporate Digital Detox

Corporate Digital Detox

Smartphones and other technological devices have created an on-demand lifestyle that has brought unmatched convenience and connection to consumers as well. But did you think that why the rates of anxiety, depression and social isolation are touching the skies? Yes it is true. However, we are unfortunate that we have realized the fact too late.

We over rely on our devices that might have a negative impact on our wellbeing. And it’s proved that it is much harder to get to those habits back that were earlier before the existence of smatphones. Also, the people who increasingly live their lives through smartphone screens are slowly and steadily becoming isolated from each other, both physically as well as emotionally.

However, this kind of digital obsession can cause problems in the workplace as well. Hence, now consumers are suddenly very keen to disconnect to these bad habits of over obsession with smart devices but they need help in this matter. And that’s where the digital detox trend comes in as Digital Detox is a new move to squeeze the Isolation, Depression and Anxiety which have been resulted from the Internet and digital devices addiction.

What Our Corporate Digital Detox is All About?

We at Cosmic Rhythm take the youngsters on a fulfilling journey to wellness or providing them with a digital transformation for healthier happier life. Our mission is to make youth in corporate or outside understand the addictive nature of technology, the harmful distractions, bad habits, as well as about destructive environments that is resulted by an immoderate and mindless use of the Internet. So, our objective is to help all the young people in India whilst educating them about Growing Internet Problems and their effects on mind, body, and Health.

In our Corporate Digital Detox program, we promote and encourage health tech relationship among employees so that they can find greater meaning in things they do. Cosmic Rhythm supports every young employee of a corporate who is living with Depression, Anxiety, and Online Addiction in recovering him from mental illness that he is going through. Because we believe that life’s meaning and happiness is much more beyond than the compulsive checking to
social media, emails, and more.

And therefore, we introduce your employees to simple yet effective stress limiting strategies while aiming to connect them with much-needed self-discipline, mindfulness, meaningful time and social interactions in person than through a screen. We create a framework that helps individuals truly understand the benefits of unplugging to the digital devices. And we make them understand that what kind of immediate and long-term results it offers including increased creativity and efficiency, strengthened teamwork, deeper gratitude and empathy, enhanced personal growth, and improved sleep.

What we Offer in our Corporate Digital Detox Program?

Digital world should not be harmful for your health but, in our business and personal lives it is becoming so. However, at Cosmic Rhythm, with our corporate digital detox, we help your employees and your business that they work in to be happier, healthier, more productive and more strategic in this increasingly digital world. So, our approach is based on making your people and your business to be the best version of themselves. Let’s have a look at what we do to make this happen:

  • Audits on Healthy Workplace

We cater to your employees with audits on healthy workplace as we want to make your employees understand that establishing the right workplace culture and habits can make a huge difference to the health, happiness and productivity of a company.

  • First of all, we take time to understand your business aims as well as the culture you as a business owner desire for.
  • Next, we assess the relationship that people have with technology at your work place along with the working practices you all have adopted.
  • We look at the physical as well as virtual aspects and score your company against best practice. Then, we produce an infographic that shows where you could improve.
  • After doing all these things, we make recommendations and measurements to make you see the difference that a digital detoxed workplace can deliver.
  • And lastly, we conduct the audits through a combination of on-site visits and
    observations, interviews and questionnaires.
  • Performance Optimization Sessions

Today we’re living in a world where there is volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity all around and so we have developed a range of tools and techniques that help people not just adapt the good habits but also to perform more often at their very best. And for that we held sessions that include topics such as gratitude, abundance thinking, self-awareness, self-mastery and leading from within. Hence, this is a holistic approach that helps optimize the mind, body and heart of your employees. Moreover, we look at all aspects of wellness from mindfulness, to nutrition, to exercise, to good habits.

  • Digital Culture Training

Moreover, we also deliver a range of workshops and webinars that help the businesses to develop an effective digital culture. Because we believe in, technology should be here to help you not to distract and we make you explore how to use and not use technology. We provide you with the ways to improve the collaboration, connectivity and agility. Moreover, we teach your employees about the techniques of how to build good habits that they can apply in a practical way.

  • Digital Transformation

Most of the businesses in the present scenario are in a constant state of digital transformation. But the digital transformation should be about people as much as about technology. At cosmic rhythm, we are just at the start of digital disruption and therefore, it is essential for us that we create a vision, strategy as well as the tactics that ensure that the digital transformation we create will a positive one, not a harmful one.
