Reiki Workshop For Corporate In India
We often seek ways to soothe our aching back, straining eyes, bothering neck, heaviness in head and relieve overpowering tiredness and fatigue of body and mind. A way to manage anger and bothering emotions or release our frustration, insecurity, stresses and anxiety which we accumulate due to immense work pressures. We seek ways to increase our vitality, personal powers, work capacity, decision making abilities creativity, joy, health and harmony. We seek ways to take challenge of life with JOY.
Cosmic Rhythm provides 2 days Reiki Wellness Workshop for Executives, Software Engineers, Sr managers, Jr Managers, Directors, CEO’s and others to empower them and equip them with a dependable tool to manage their fast lives.
This workshop is specifically designed in a manner, keeping in view the needs of corporate/IT world. In this workshop one experiences deep relaxation/ rejuvenation and healing on body, mind and emotional levels. Learns about depths of emotions like anger / anxiety and ways to balance it. Understands ways to manage relationship at workplace, home and self more effectively. Learns to remain healthy and peaceful at any situation.

Reiki is Convenient to Practice
Reiki is a harmless therapy that requires no specialized skill, but it is extremely effective and with a wide range of application. The beauty of Reiki lies in its simplicity. One can practice it at any time and for short duration of even ten minutes, empty stomach or after eating, lying in bed, sitting on a chair or standing, before or after bath etc. It is so convenient that it can be practiced even on a flight, bus, taxi or car. Though it is simple to practice daily, yet it is very effective and holistic
Executive Health Needs to be Nourished
Enlightened management invest into executive health for overall long term benefits. A healthy employee is a more productive employee. A positive work environment fosters loyalty, lowers the rate of absenteeism, improves morale and is win win for both employer and employee.
Reduces Cholesterol, Increases hemoglobin.
De-stressing and relaxing.
Relief from postural pains.
Improves concentration, Vision, Clarity.
Helps to alleviate physical and mental fatigue.
Releases negative emotions like anger, frustration, sadness, anxiety etc
Improves efficiency and decision making abilities.
Improves digestion, immune system and health.
Improves Relationship & understanding.
Helps to maintain balance at work and home
Improves peace of mind, helps in taking responsibility with ease.
Increases personal energy and vitality.
Overcome hormonal imbalances, promote detoxification.