Deep Memory Healing & Transformation Workshop

Are  you on a lookout for a place where you can release your stresses,  unleash emotions that we normally cannot release at office or at home or in society? do you want to work on clarity within? improve your personal powers?unshackle your consciousness of the blockages that hinder your personal and professional growth? are you looking for digital detoxification and  a time  to just be with  yourself?

Deep Memory Healing and Transformation Workshop is a 4 day Residential Retreat designed to lift your stresses and light the fire of sheer joy in you. This all practical, very intense workshop is  designed to help you  release, reconnect, revitalize and rejuvenate withing 4 days. The powerful processes helps in servicing of inside that is long sought and  transform  you into a new being ready to face challenges of life with joy and vigor.

Mental Health

Effective in clearing out mental clutter of stress, pressure, excessive thoughts, confusions  etc .Releases emotions like anger, sadness, guilt, frustration, rejection, hatred and many more. There by making you more clear, powerful and peaceful.

Physical Health

Helps in healing physical ailments,  chronic diseases, fears, phobias, depression, recurring diseases, addictions. Allows us to develop a communication system with body to understand its needs and ways to heal.

Emotional Health

Helps in clearing mental/ emotional blocks. Heals Relationships leading to Love, Peace & Harmony with family, job, within and in  LIFE. Makes you more aware and open.

Spiritual Health

Raises your vibration, helping with intuitive development, high awareness, clarity and higher consciousness. Takes one towards purpose and fulfillment.

Work - Life Balance

Brings  understanding  and power within which helps in prioritizing things and maintain a beautiful balance between work and home. One is able to stay in the moment, giving fullness to both. Relationship and bond becomes strong and loving.

Digital detoxification

It helps in mitigating the habit of excessive use of electronics.Too much involvement in social media rather than people in  real world is a big problem of today. This workshops helps us to reach to our real needs and helps in connecting to reality with ease and happiness.