In this universe there is nothing more powerful than love.
The feeling of being loved and accepted cures most of our mental distresses and gives us a sense of strength, security and peace. Scientifically also it has been proven that love helps in healing physical, mental as well as our emotional aspect. Without love in life, we are even not able to enjoy wealth and success.
We all seek love in life in different aspects
Do I love my job, my workplace ? Am I doing what I wanted to?
Do I feel love and freedom in relationships? Or I am just doing my duty?
Do I love the place where I live? Do I feel I am where I wanted to be? Do I feel connected?
Do I feel cooperation, respect and support in life from people around me?
Do people respect me or my capabilities or my position,?
How are my interpersonal relationships at workplace?
Do I love my body? Do I take care of it or just over use it.
Do I feel fulfillment in what I have?
Am I happy after having all that is required in life?
As love heals
Love opens up unlimited aspects
Love rejuvenates and nourishes our innerself
Love brings fulfillment
Love brings beauty in relationships
Love gives freedom and inner power
With love we perform to our best
Cosmic Rhythm presents” Love intensive” which is a beautiful 4- 5 days residential workshop to ignite the power of love in you. We cannot fall in love just like that, but yes we can certainly remove barriers that are blocking us towards its flow. In this workshop very unique processes are employed that helps in releasing the barriers which are in the form of stresses like rejections, comparisons, anger, frustrations, failures, sadness, losses and many more. This helps us not only release but also to build a positive charge, dip into the well of pure consciousness and connect to unlimited source of healing and love energy.
The high level of charge help us to experience unconditional love and that experience transforms our way of living.
We do what we have been doing but now the quality will be different.
Unbiased attitude
Clarity and precision
Improved Understanding and clarity
Right decisions
Improved interpersonal relationships
Friendship with body, understanding its needs
Balance between work and life
Digital Detoxification
Direction in life
Better understanding of self, life and others
Feeling of fulfillment
Love, freedom and joy in life
working with best of your abilities
Opening of hidden talents and potentials
Sense of security and support
Improved happiness, peace and aliveness