The Love Intensive workshop
Once you experience the pure love, there is
no I, mine, you and your’s
Life seems beautiful and there after one canenjoy beauty;
In Greenery as well as in desert
In light as well as in dark
In rose as well as in cactus and so on….
Love Is The Beauty Of The Soul
THE LOVE INTENSVE WORKSHOP gives you an opportunity to
experience the unconditional love.It is a 4-5 days beautifully designed residential workshop which provides an environment whereone can experience the true love/true essence of love and manifest a new vision for life. Here we can learn to start loving our self, others and life.
This magnificent workshop provides you the moment to experience LOVE, TOLERANCE, PEACE and JOY. When we,as individuals realize our potential to love unconditionally.we transform ourselves, others, life and the planet at the sametime. Such is the power we gain every moment of everyday.

Having this beautiful experience of pure LOVE we gain

- Inner peace
- Feeling of joy in life
- Tolerance & compassion
- Quantum shift in consciousness
- Fulfilment in life
- Unity, harmony and oneness

- Self acceptance
- Forgiveness & Kindness
- Inner power to face life as it is
- Self worth & direction
- Self awareness
- Better understanding in relationships