Cosmic Rhythm offers Professional Reiki Healing sessions (Touch or Distant) for various aspects.
Some are as below:
Patients for ailments
Cancer patients
To students
For wellbeing
De addiction
To reduce stress
to braek bad habits
For surgery recovery
To bring shift in qualities
To build immune
systemMental and Emotional strengthening
And for any other matter as is asked for.

Patients for ailments
Reiki helps in building immune system, reducing pain, repairing tissues, balancing BP, balancing hormones and many more.
Surgery Recovery- Reiki helps in fast recovery. Helps in detoxification and recuperation. Accelerates healing process.
Cancer patients
Patients undergoing Chemotherapy Treatment- It helps in reducing side effects of heavy medication, building strength of the body and getting out from mental trauma. It helps in reducing pain and in getting better sleep.Many hospitals worldwide use Reiki in oncology department for patients as a complimenting therapy.

To students
Reiki is a boon for students & youths. Reiki comes in handy for improving memory and concentration in the most effective way. Reiki also helps in overcoming fears. Students who learn & practice Reiki have shown a significant increase in their Intelligent Quotient (IQ), focus, confidence and an enhanced memory power.

De addiction
Executive, Enterpreneurs, CEO,s Professionals

Women Wellness
Self Development

The Healing Session takes approximately 40 minutes. While healing is occasionally achieved in one session, it is normally progressive and patient need to attend over a period time before the full effects of healing are secured.
(Note that healing is holistic approach and is not intended to replace professional medical advice and care. Please consult a qualified medical practitioner if you have any health concerns)