1st Degree Reiki
During the first degree seminar of approx 14-16 hours (depending upon group size) spread over a period of two days, a series of four attunements are given by a traditional Reiki Master. In this process, certain energy centres, also known as ‘Chakras’, are opened to enable the person to channel (and vibrate) a higher amount of Universal Life Force Energy.
After this, one can lay his / her hands on oneself or another person and transfer Reiki to help accelerate the healing process. The organ draws in just the right amount of this life force energy that he / she needs to absorb, activate or to transform the energy of the physical, mental and etheric bodies.
Benefits of 1st degree Reiki
2nd Degree Reiki
Our experiences with Reiki can be further taken to greater heights by learning the Second Degree which provides us with an opportunity to attune to higher levels of Reiki energy. The initiations of Second Degree also attune a person to the power keys or symbols, which are used at this level to perform absentee and a stronger form of mental / emotional healing. The second degree class also takes around 14-16 hours ( depending upon group size) spread over 2 days.
Reiki second degree helps us to perform absentee healing, thus enabling the energy to flow beyond space and time to heal person, objects, desires, intentions, situations and relationships. At this level one beings to wake up to further dimensions of one’s higher self.
Once a person has been opened up to become a ‘channel’ for Reiki, concentrated life energy will flow through his hands on its own accord and he will retain this ability for the rest of his life. Then all that he requires is a pair of hands and a willingness to heal.
Reiki is an extremely effective technique for total relaxation and stress release. One is filled with a sensation of peace, vitality, joy and security. Treating oneself also helps to release withheld emotions and energy blocks. Reiki works holistically and affects each individual in a very personal way, the result being determined by the need of the person being treated.Reiki must be experienced to be appreciated.
Benefits of 2nd Degree Reiki
- Healing power is increased many times
- Healing can be sent to person/thing anywhere in world
- Reiki can be given to anyone or self without touch
- Healing can be sent to many people at a time
- Reiki can be programmed for important future events
- Completion with those who are no more in
life - Reiki to possible desires to manifest them in life
- Protecting aura and space

- Healing past to release its impact on current life
- Healing Relationships to bring love and harmony
- Accelerated Spiritual development and intuitive powers
- Processes to manage/release emotions like anger, fear, guilt, hatred, rejection, frustration, agony etc
- To bring shift in qualities and traits of someone
- Bringinng hidden potentials to surface
- Healing with powerful affirmations for deeper shift

Reiki 3rd Degree
Cosmic Rhythm offers 3rd Degree to advance and eligible practitioners. Its a journey towards deeper and subtler levels of healing that cannot be conveyed in words. Its to be experienced.
Cosmic Rhythm offers Reiki Mastership Training. Details are available at our head office.