Introduction Of Reiki

What is Reiki ?

The word Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy- the same energy, which brings forth all life in the universe and nourishes it. Reiki is a healing method based on the transfer of this universal life energy.

In the late 19th century Dr. Mikao Usui rediscovered the key which led to the recovery of a thousand-year-old tradition of healing in 2500 year old Sanskrit Sutras.

Increasingly scientific research supports what some of us already know through experience and intuition: that the origin of imbalance or illness is often emotional (blocks held in the body). When energy flow becomes blocked, as is so often the case, imbalance leading to disharmony and disease occurs.

Throughout the history of mankind healing methods have always existed which were based on the transfer of universal, all pervading life energy. Reiki is one such healing method.

Who Will Benefit ?

Career woman

Become more active both at home and at office. Become calm and composed: lower back pain and headaches are relieved

House Wives

Can learn to help husband, children and other members in the family. Can learn to heal relationships with friends, neighbors and in-laws. Can also engage in healing sessions. Infants, babies, children can be treated with Reiki even by a first degree Reiki channel.


Can overcome fears, phobias and confusions. Power of concentration and memory increases. Helps in taking decision, improving self-confidence, awareness and communication power. Second degree helps to program Reiki for exams and interviews.


They can overcome hormonal imbalances, sexual problems. Relationship with parents, teachers and others can be balanced.

Elderly people

All body aches and pains can be released, thus minimizing the intake of medicines. Relationship with others can be healed.


Increase in energy, increases capacity to work. Peace of mind helps in taking right decision. Anxiety, tension and stress can be relieved. Clarity in thinking and decision making abilities help in promotion of business and organization.

Reiki Workshop

How to learn Reiki ?

To learn Reiki no special kind of faith or belief is required. Where other forms of therapy may demand months and years of training for the practitioner, Reiki can be taught during a weekend. Reiki is a natural system of great simplicity since nothing other than your hands are required to carry it out. In Reiki treatments, use is made solely of neutral but concentrated form of cosmic energy.

Reiki is an integrated system of healing working on all levels of being- body, mind, emotions and spirit. Reiki is gentle, non-invasive, yet powerful in its effectiveness. It addresses not only the symptom but also the cause of disease, so that we can release it and heal it.  It is not a religion or belief system.

We are working with Love energy

Reiki can neither harm nor does it conflict with other therapies such as psychotherapy, natural remedies or treatments or medical procedures. In fact it complements them all.The wonder of Reiki is its simplicity. The real difference is in the ‘Attunement’ (also known as initiation) process, which the student experiences at the various levels of the Reiki course.

With a rich background of pure lineage and following International Reiki Alliance syllabus Cosmic Rhythm renders a qualitative seminar in the original Usui system of Reiki and provides this technique in purest of its form. With centers at many places in India and abroad one can have a life time association here. It also has a focused team of professionals associated since long and working meticulously.
