Reiki For Patients/Cancer/De addiction/Others

Reiki for Patients with ailments

Reiki helps in building immune system, reducing pain, repairing tissues, balancing BP, balancing hormones and many more.

Surgery Recovery- Reiki helps in fast recovery. Helps in detoxification and recuperation. Accelerates healing process.

Reiki for Cancer Patients

Patients undergoing Chemotherapy Treatment-  It helps in reducing side effects of heavy medication, building strength of the body and getting out from mental trauma. It helps in reducing pain and in getting  better sleep.

Many hospitals worldwide use Reiki in oncology department for patients as a complimenting therapy.

Pregnant Ladies and Child in Womb

Reiki helps in gestation period management.
Reduces morning sickness, nausea and sleeping problems.
It helps keep body flexible.
It helps in keeping emotional balance.
Keeps the would be mother active and happy.
Reduces trimester difficulties.
It helps unborn child to develop into strong and loving individual.

Reiki for Depression

Reiki helps in recovery from depression.
It Improves energy, enthusiasm, will power and aliveness.
It helps a person to let go off the bothering emotions and stand again
It makes the person mentally and emotionally strong
It brings understanding  and acceptance

De addiction

Reiki helps in de addiction and breaking bad  habits and patterns.
It improves will power, self love and positive frame of mind.
Helps in releasing negative feelings and emotions.
Helps the body and mind to recuperate and harmonize.
Builds positive attitude towards life.
Increases awareness  so person can  priorities things.

Self Developement

Reiki raises your vibrations, helping with intuitive development, high awareness, clarity and higher consciousness.
One can reach to a  mindful state easily
Keeps you calm and serene
Increases compassion and empathy
It effortlessly takes you to meditative state
Takes one towards self realization.